Creating an Assignment in Blackboard

Creating Assignments for submission through Blackboard provides numerous benefits. Here are a few:

- You may be able to 'go paperless' and avoid printing materials or submissions.
- Links to Assignments create no doubt as to where a student should submit their work.
- A deadline can be created, thereby setting expectations on when assignments will and will not be accepted.
- Assignments automatically generate corresponding columns in the Grade Center.
- Assignments are easily categorized and weighted for calculating a grade, enabling your students to track their progress throughout the course.

The creation process of an Assignment in Blackboard 9.1 is a simple one, once you have determined the structure of how your course materials will be organized. Simply access your pre-determined location where your assignment will be placed (ex: Content area, Week 1 folder, Assignments subfolder) and choose Assessments -> Assignment.

For a detailed discussion and explanation of all the features of Assignment creation, please Click Here.