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FacStaff Email Setup on Outlook (Mac)

Users can connect their Philadelphia University email accounts to Microsoft Office. Outlook is easier to manage than most email platforms and only requires users to log in once. Follow the directions below to learn how to link a Philadelphia University email account to Outlook on a Mac.

1. Open "Microsoft Outlook".

2. Click on the "Outlook Tab" at the upper right of the screen and select the "Preferences" drop down.

3. Click on the "Accounts" button in the upper row of options.

4. Select the "Exchange Account" button.

5. In the following window type in the user's Philadelphia University email address as "YourUserName@philau.edu".

6. Make sure the "Method" drop down under Authentication is "User Name and Password".

7. Type in "YourUserName/Password" below the drop down.

8. Click on the "Add Account" button.

9. If asked for a server for verification or error purposes please use "luna.philau.edu".



For other device instructions, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 215-951-4648 or by Email at HelpDesk@PhilaU.edu for further instructions or support.
